This category is used to organize Moodle Course that are used to SUPPORT AJC Westside activities. These resources are created and supported by Dan Wells. They do NOT necessarily reflect the views or opinions of Westside - A Jesus Church.

You can reach me at

This is a resource for various people to review & add to the content. It is designed so everyone can share their views and understandings of the content presented. It is open to everyone who has been given access and encouraged to freely share your perspectives, concerns and questions. It is also expected that everyone and their ideas will be treated with respect. We can respectfully disagree with our spectives. I reserve the right to remove anyone from access to this site due to disrespectfull behavior or comments. More importantly, I look forward to hearing the variety and value of the information shared here. Thanks in advance!

This course is created and designed for the ongoing fellowship of the Members of Table 11 formed and bonded during the weeks of Jan-March, 2020.

This is a "test" resource course to evaluate it's use for House Church training and development.

This course provides Threaded Discussions for MC90 Group Leaders to share ideas and ask questions (get help). It is NOT sponsored by our church. It is a resource created and supported by a fellow Group Leader (Dan Wells). You can send me suggestions for improvements and comments about concerns.

You can email me at     


This course is design to ONLY support those men participating in the GROUP facilitated by Dan Wells (they are Nolan Friesen, James Hines, Curran Howell, Casey Walker and Andrew S.).

This course is the ONLINE SUPPORT resource for the AJC West Side Sermon Discussion Questions.

It is provided and supported by a church member. The AJCWS church assumes no responsibility for the comments related to this course.